Porter Ranch Gas Well Blowout
Massive Gas Leak in the Southern California community of Porter Ranch is Reportedly Making Residents Sick.

Porter Ranch Town Hall Replay
January 22, 2016
Three months later, thousands of residents continue to be affected by the massive Aliso Canyon gas well blowout. The largest gas leak in the history of the U.S., this environmental catastrophe is rightly being compared to the BP Oil Spill.
Porter Ranch residents are reporting illnesses – including nausea, dizziness, vomiting, nosebleeds, and headaches – due to a hazardous natural gas well blowout caused by the Southern California Gas Co. facility in Greater Los Angeles. Residents, even those who have not experienced health effects, may be entitled to damages due to the loss of use and enjoyment of their homes and businesses.
New Exclusive Video Footage [Posted Jan. 16]
You May Be Able to Join Our Lawsuit Already in Progress
On November 23, 2015, R. Rex Parris initiated a lawsuit against Southern California Gas Company in Los Angeles Superior Court. Morgan & Morgan, P.A., along with R. Rex Parris, is seeking immediate emergency measures from the Court to require that Southern California Gas Co. release information about the health risks related to exposure to the blowout. The lawsuit also seeks damages on behalf of the residents of Porter Ranch.
Residents of Porter Ranch and the Greater Los Angeles area first reported odor and illnesses cased by the natural gas well blowout in October of 2015. Residents have experienced nausea, dizziness, vomiting, nosebleeds, and headaches. Thousands of residents have been evacuated from their homes due to the danger. Southern California Gas Co. has failed to provide adequate information regarding the health effects Porter Ranch residents face due to exposure to the blowout.
The Problem is Bigger Than Just Porter Ranch
The gas well blowout is of massive proportions and there is no end in sight. According to the Los Angeles Times, “the leak has released the equivalent of 0.80 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, the air board estimates, about the same amount of emissions as driving 160,000 cars for a year or consuming 90 million gallons of gas.”
This finding “underscores the urgency of stopping the gas leak.” The alarming scale of the gas well blowout highlights the importance of transparency, something Southern California Gas Co. is being criticized for failing to provide. Southern California Gas Co. needs to provide the public with adequate health and safety information regarding any environmental and health risks the public may face due to the incident.