Dr. Brooks Michaels Reveals Top Conditions Residents Suffer From
January 18, 2016Dr. Brooks Michaels, family physician and geriatrician, focused on SoCalGas’ trivialization of the health conditions Porter Ranch residents face and elaborated on why residents should leave if they can. Dr. Michaels spoke at the previous town hall meeting held for Porter Ranch residents at Shepherd of the Hills Church.
The town hall meeting was held on Dec. 17, 2015. Attorneys, along with health and environmental experts, were present at the meeting to talk to residents about various aspects of the crisis and provide advice on how they could resume with their everyday lives during the Aliso Canyon crisis. Over a thousand residents attended the meeting and learned more about the impact of the methane gas on the environment and on their health.
On Oct. 23, 2015, Southern California Gas Co. discovered a massive gas well blowout in its Aliso Canyon facility – which is located approximately a mile away from the town of Porter Ranch. The company has allegedly known about the problem for over a year. Gas continues to spew out of the facility and into the community at a dangerous rate. Thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate, with thousands more still waiting for SoCalGas for relocation assistance.
For updates on the Aliso Canyon situation, follow our Facebook and Twitter pages. To be a part of our next town hall meeting, RSVP here. You will be able to converse with people who have been impacted by the blowout and find out more information through our panel of experts.